Divine Forgetfullness


I have been reading through the Old Testament. I am constantly amazed at God’s patience and love for people. His own “chosen people” lived in such a way, that He had no choice but to cleanse the evil. Even in all of the wrath that was poured out, The Father consistently mourned over their pain, wept for their condition. I am learning more of who He is and how much He loves me.

In Ezekiel 33 God talks about those who have stopped doing as He asked and those, who once were wicked, beginning to do as he asked. Verse 16 says, “None of his sins that he has committed will be remembered against him. He has practiced justice and righteousness; he shall surely live.” Even then, before Christ’s work on the cross, forgiveness was in the heart of God. He promised to not only forgive, but to forget! Pretty amazing. God has made it simple. As hard as it was for them to live up to the law then, think about how easy it is for us today. We confess out sin, admit that we are messed up without Him, and He is quick to forgive. He is Faithful and Just and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Sounds pretty easy to me. Unless, of course, you are filled with pride, or self-righteousness… Allow Him to set you free today. Free from the bondages of sin. Free from your past. Free from those wrong thought patterns and actions. Free from what others say or think about you. Total freedom.

“Forgiving and being forgiven are two names for the same thing. The important thing is that a discord has been resolved.” C.S. Lewis

Ephesians 1:7-10 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

2 Corinthians 5:18-19 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

The Dead Do Not Inherit


An inheritance is for the living. When you go to hear the reading of the last will and testament of a person who has passed on, the room is not full of corpses. Instead it is full of the living relatives, and beneficiaries of the deceased.
God says that we are heirs and joint heirs with Christ, (Romans 8:17). He also says that we are seated in Heaven with Christ, (Ephesians 2:6). God gave Adam everything. Adam gave it over to Satan. Jesus took it back on the cross and went to hell to even get the keys to Satan’s eternal home. At Jesus’ death on the cross-we inherited everything from Him. At His death, a New Testament came into being. We inherited the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as all things on this earth. We don’t have to wait until we die to have Heaven. Heaven isn’t just a place. It’s a Kingdom. Jesus is the King, and we are His royal family. Heaven is ours, now! Salvation and everything that comes with it, is our now, isn’t waiting for us to die. Only the living receive an inheritance.
Jesus didn’t die to bring us to Heaven. If that was His only purpose, we’d be there now. Jesus came to bring Heaven to us, here on earth. His Kingdom needs to be enlarged. That can only happen if we stand in our rightful places as sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have to accept the inheritance, use it, and do what God asks us to do-love Him with all our hearts, and to seek and save the lost. It’s not just for our benefit. We are to heal the sick, raise the dead and set the captives free. That’s our job. We can sit around a pray about it, (and prayer is wonderful!), but God wants us to act on our faith. We are Royalty with authority.
No longer say, “I am a sinner saved by grace.” You were a sinner, and you were saved by grace. But if you have accepted Jesus and his finished work on the cross, you aren’t a sinner any longer. Sin is the nature of another kingdom, the kingdom of darkness. It’s no longer our nature. We have the nature of the King and the Kingdom that we submit ourselves under. God has made us brand new creatures, our old nature is dead, all things are new.
So what’s allowed in heaven? Is guilt, condemnation? Of course not. Then you can’t be guilty or condemned. You are seated in Heaven with Christ. He took our guilt. It’s gone! Now only one is judged, and that is Satan. He is judged guilty. His attacks against born again children of God is unlawful. Jesus followed all the legalities in getting our inheritance for us. Satan can find nothing in us to accuse us of to The Father. The Father only see’s us as righteous. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, yes, so that we can turn back to God, but He also convinces us of righteousness. He constantly reminds us of who God is and who we are in Christ. Jesus redeemed us from the curse and reconciled us back to right standing with The Father.
Does that mean we never sin? No-but if our hearts are given over to a New King, He is quick to forgive and chooses to forget. He doesn’t hold it against us. If we aren’t guilty is that the “ok” to sin. Paul says, “God forbid,” to that. All things are lawful, but all things are not beneficial. The closer we get to Him, the less we will sin. You’ll see that things that once tempted us will no longer pull us away from God. Don’t let Satan, the world, or even your own flesh tell you who you are or what to feel. Only God sees us for who we truly are. He says you are accepted in the beloved. He calls you blessed. He has called us sons and daughters. You aren’t who you once were. God didn’t scrub us clean-He made us brand new. He didn’t remodel or remake, He built you brand new from the foundation to the attic and filled you with good things!

Release of Mr. Topper’s Fabulous Funtown 9/24/013

Mr. Topper’s Fabulous Funtown
Funtown is a place of every child’s dreams and Mr. Topper’s world of merry-go-rounds and magic is the place they want to go. But all that glitters is not gold and Funtown is not what it seems. Who is Tinker and what can he do to help? Jayde and her friends must find Tinker and the truth about Mr. Topper to free Funtown.

For ages 8 and up.

You can get it here!


Book Reveiw for “Imperfect” YA=

I was given a copy of “Imperfect” by Tina Chan in exchange for an honest review. Imperfect is about the future where people are perfected through genetic engineering. It is a great YA Book. I think it best suited for ages 10-16. The characters are young and there is a bit of humor throughout the story. It is the first in a series. Imperfect makes you think about the importance of being an individual and being happy and content with who you are. I give this book 4 stars as a young adult book.