Book Review for “Aoleon The Martian Girl: Part Four”- Middle Grade Sci Fi


book 4

What the book is about: Aoleon and Gilbert are on the run – with a whole army of Martians on their trail! Having foiled the Luminon’s plot to disrupt the Martian galact supply, Aoleon and Gilbert join forces with Bizwat – a Procyon commando who poses as a pizza delivery guy, and Helios – a first-generation soldierbot. They flee the Martian megalopolis aboard a flying saucer with the Luminon’s paladin guards in fast pursuit. Their luck quickly goes from bad to worse. Their saucer is blown out of the sky, and they crash deep in the forbidding Martian desert, more than a thousand miles away from their intended destination. Battling starvation, thirst, and a Klyklon dust storm (not to mention a giant slor intent on swallowing them whole), will our two intrepid heroes live long enough to reach the secret base where Aoleon’s parents are being held captive? Dive into part four of Aoleon the Martian Girl to find out! My Review: I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Book four in “Aoleon the Martian Girl Series” continues the story of a Martian girl and a Human boy who are out to save Mars and Terran (earth), with the help of some interesting friends and through some scary and funny episodes. This book is as good as the first three. There is appropriate Middle Grade humor and talks about the importance of friendship. The cows on earth begin are being cow -napped while Aoleon and her friends are trying to handle things back on Mars. I give this book four stars. I liked it. I can recommend the series for ages 9-13 or for any sci fi fans who are kids at heart. : Get your copy here: The Author: Mr. LeVasseur enjoys crafting good stories based on lovable characters designed to translate well to multiple media formats such as books, games, movies, and toys. He lives in New York when he is not commuting between Southern California and Olympus Mons, Mars. His hobbies include writing, 3D animation, musical composition, and intergalactic space travel. He also enjoys various sports such as skiing, running, and exospheric skydiving. Author’s Website: Book Trailer:

Review Anyone?


I have just published my third Devotional, “Further In” and am in need of some reviews. Reviews sell books! If you are interested in reading this book, or any of my other books, and leaving a review for me on goodreads, amazon and/or smashwords, I can email you a digital copy of one, or give you a code to purchase one (for FREE) on smashwords. I am only asking for an honest review. If you are interested you can comment or email me at
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Book Review for “Resistance”- Christian Fantasy

“Resistance” is a great Christian fantasy novel. The main characters are two young adults trapped in a city that demands they worship their emperor and two moon gods, a young mixed breed slave, and an older father figure. As believers of the True God, they have to find a way to either stay hidden or make a stand. I love this book. I will go right into book two to find out what happens next. The writing style is wonderful, the characters are loveable and you feel like you have known them your whole life. It is a great work of fantasy with new peoples and cultures. It has all the swords, intrigue, and good versus evil that you expect from a fantasy novel. No swearing or sexual content, so I can recommend for teens and up. I give this book 5 stars.

Book Review for “In the Spotlight: Mayne Attraction”- Fiction YA Romance


I liked “In the Spotlight” book one of “Mayne Attraction” series. I would have given it four stars, really liking it except for a few things. In the beginning, the prologue, we meet a couple of shady characters, they come in early in the first few chapters, never to be heard from again, the story ends (with a cliff hanger) never explaining who, or why they are in the story. I am assuming they come in later in one of the other books, but I found myself asking over and over, what about those guys. The characters are likable, similar to a lot of YA characters. The girl is shy, clumsy and doesn’t know she is beautiful, the guys are hot and handsome. I am still not sure where the series is going, I was anticipating a big twist, but was disappointed in the lack of one. Having said all of that, the book is told through the eyes of the 18 year old girl, the writing is good, there was a nice mix of humor, no swearing, the only sexual content is a few insinuations and nothing between the main characters, in fact they begin and end as virgins. So a lot to like about this book, and whenever the remaining books come out, I will read them. I can recommend for ages 14 and up. Definitely a chick book.

Book Review for ” “The Island Collection Complete”-YA Dystopian


I was given a copy of “The Island Collection Complete” through Story Cartel (, in exchange for an honest review. I “liked” the story. The writing style was easy to read. The theme runs through all three dystopian books, basically a “book” from each society was misconstrued and taken as Holy writ. I found it humorous that one of the books was a journal of a 10 year old boy who used a Star Wars notebook, and wrote about the “force.” Parts of the book reminded me of “Lord of the Flies,” and parts reminded me a bit of David Estes’ “Dwellers” series. Each book can be read as a stand alone. In fact there are some repeated scenes in books one and two, to keep you informed. If you are reading them back to back, it is a tad repetitive. A good read. I would read more by this author. I don’t recommend for ages younger than 16. There is implied sex between teens and some swearing. Though there isn’t a lot of “real” swearing, most of it is made-up swear words, there is some strong language. I give it 3 stars.