God Values You


What do you consider the most precious substance in the universe? Silver or Gold? Precious jewels? Star dust? The energy of the sun? For millions of us, we consider the Blood of Jesus as the most precious substance. Because it made a way for us to come back to the Father. God’s very own precious blood shed for us while we were still sinners, before we were ever born. Pretty cool right? Now think about this…God thinks we are more precious than that! He gave His blood for what? That’s right, for us! Don’t ever doubt that God loves you, or that person who seems so far gone.

Just Imagine


Job 1:6 NIV
“One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.
The Lord said to Satan, “where have you come from?”
Satan answered the Lord, “from roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.”
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?”

I Peter 1:18-19 NAS
“Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers. But with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.”

Imagine with me for a minute, that after the fall, the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan shows up…

“Where have you come from, Satan?” the Lord asks.
“I have come from going to and fro in my kingdom. The one your silly man gave to me. I have been looking over all I possess,” he brags.
“Yes, I do miss those quiet times walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening,” replies God with a note of sadness. “What would you take in return for my children whom I love?”
“You will never get them back! There is nothing you have that I want,” sneered Satan. “There is nothing you can do. They are legally mine. They chose me over you,” he gloated.
“So be it. Leave my presence,” answered God solemnly.

Years later as God’s chosen people suffer under oppression and continued slavery, Satan again presents himself to the Lord.

“Where have you come from?” the Lord asks.
“I have come from my kingdom, from tormenting those rebellious, stiff-necked children of yours. You know it could all stop. All you have to do is say the word…” taunted Satan.
“What word would that be?” the Lord asks with a knowing smile.
“Surrender. Give me your throne so I can command heaven and earth, and they are yours,” weaseled the devil.
“You know better than that. My throne is forever mine. It can’t be given nor taken away,” replied God.
“So bet it. Off I go to torture your loved ones,” laughed Satan.

Much later when God’s children began calling out for a redeemer, looking with hope for the promised one, Satan again pays an unwelcome visit.

“Where have you come from?” the Lord asks.
“I have come from the earth, where I rule and reign over all principalities, powers, dominions and rulers of dark places. I am the Prince of the air, the Lord of the Flies, the Father of Lies and of many children,” he answered with his bloated pride.
“There are still a remnant that choose me, that forsake your lies and follow after the truth,” stated the Lord.
“What would you give me in exchange for them all-not just your little ‘remnant’ but all of them. The ones who curse your, who sacrifice their children to my idols, the ones who live in perversion and lust?” he asked.
“There is no thing in heaven or earth worth giving up for those ones,” the Lord calmly replied.
“You finally admit it! They are worthless, unloved, unwanted garbage!” exclaimed Satan in triumphant glee.
“No…you misunderstand,” God said quietly. “They are worth more than all the streets of gold in heaven, worth more than the sun, the moon and the stars. They are more precious to me than silver and Gold.”
“Then what else is there?” answered Satan in some confusion.
“There is myself. I will give myself”

Now fast forward to Satan’s victory party. He is expecting Jesus any moment into his hellish domain. He thinks he has killed the creator of the universe, his own creator. Then in the midst of the party Jesus descends into hell and before the enemy of our souls can lay a finger on him something happens. You see hell can’t hold Holiness. It wasn’t built for sinless, pure, incorruptible LOVE. We don’t know exactly what happened that day in the depths of hell, but we do know that Jesus didn’t come out alone, and he took the keys of death and hell with him. Ponder on this for a moment and let it put things in perspective…Satan doesn’t even have the keys to his own home.

His Splendor


Your splendor covers the heavens,
Your radiance is like the sunlight.
You rode with your horses on your chariots if victory and deliverance.
The sun and moon stood back, at the light of your arrows,
at the radiance of your gleaming spear.
You have come out for the salvation of your people.
For you, Lord, are my strength and my invincible army.
You will defend my cause and plead my case!



Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for your promises, that are always “yes” and “Amen”, to your glory. Thank you for your love, which is shed abroad in my heart, and for the shed blood of Jesus, for your Holy Spirit who leads and guides into all truth. Who comforts and encourages us. Who convicts of sin and convinces of righteousness. Thank you for your grace and mercy, and your joy (which is my strength). Help me to treat others as you would, to help and encourage. To esteem others more highly than myself. To not grow weary in well doing, but to persevere and press on in doing good. Strengthen my feeble knees, and fan the flames in my heart. Help me to be bold in my testimony, in my profession of faith. Help me to be humble and teachable. I choose to run the race with patience, not turning to the right or the left, but to fix my face like flint, to keep my eyes on the prize (Jesus), and to stand against all the works of the evil one. I choose to not only defend myself and those around me from the enemy, but to be on the offensive, to attack, to go into the enemies camp and take back what he has stolen. I choose to put off the former ways of the world and my flesh and to put on the robes of righteousness that you gave me through the death and resurrection of your son. I take on life and health and a sound mind. I accept and receive all the blessings you have prepared for me, before the foundation of the world. I choose you, Jesus, again, as my Lord and King. I choose the Kingdom of love and light, and renounce the kingdom of lies and darkness. I choose you, Lord, as my Father, because you first chose me. I thank you for coming humbly to this earth, to experience what we do, as a man. For giving up the your kingly robes and crown, for taking up the role of a servant. I thank you that after fulfilling all that was needful to purchase my redemption, you took back your crown and rule and reign as my King.

Confession From Romans


I am dead to sin and alive in Christ.
Sin is not my master, for I am not under the law, but under grace.
I am free from sin and a slave of righteousness.
I will exult and triumph in times of trouble, and rejoice in my suffering knowing that it is working patience in me.
I am not condemned.
Because I am led by the Spirit of God, I am a child of God.
His Spirit bears witness with mine that I am his child.
I am an heir and a joint heir with Christ.
I will suffer with Him and be glorified with Him.
The suffering of this present time are not to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in me.
I will wait with patience and composure for those unseen things I hope for.
God causes all things to work together for my good, because I love Him and am called to His purpose.
I am predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ.
God is for me, so no one can be successfully against me!
I am convinced! Nothing can separate me from the love of God!

What Will Your Harvest Be?


“Then I heard a strong voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come, the salvation and power and kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ, the Messiah; for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against hem day and night, has been cast out! And they have over come (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death-holding their lives cheap till they had to die [for their witnessing]. There for be glad (exult), o heavens and you that dwell in them! But woe to you, o earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury), because he knows that he has [only] a short time [left!].” ~ Revelations 12;10-12 Amplified Bible

As we begin the new year, 2014, I can’t help but get excited about what is happening in the world. Things are getting bad, and from the pulpit we hear things like, “this is a time of harvest”, “a time of release”, and “what has been sown will be reaped.” For some the harvest will be death and corruption. Or as Hosea says in 8:7a “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…” But it means that all of those who have gone before us and planted the word of God, planted love and mercy, and those of us still planting and watering, will be bringing in a harvest of souls! The harvest is ripe! Pray for workers, but be one yourself!

The devil is full of fierce anger! Why? Because he knows that his time is short! How do we come against his fury? By the blood of the lamb. It has already been shed. The work on the cross is finished. That blood brought us back into right relationship with the Father. We have our authority back. We can declare God’s word and His will and it will come about. We also overcome by the word of our testimony. Tell yourself how good God is, remind yourself of the things He has done for you. Then tell anyone who will listen. In fact tell those who seemingly aren’t listening. Time as we know it is speeding up. Just like Christmas comes up so fast every year, the end is fast approaching and will be upon us quicker than we think. Do we want to leave all those deceived souls in the enemies camp? Or do we want to go in and bring them out? Bring them to the Father’s love. To the sacrificial love of Jesus.

A football team can’t continue to win if they only defend their goal. They have to go out on the offensive and take the ball, then run and fight their way through enemy territory to get the score. It’s the same way with the family of God. We may be assured of our place in heaven, but God forbid we are content with that and allow so many countless others to suffer an eternity separated from the Father’s presence. So they may be reaping what they sowed, but didn’t we all sow some of those same seeds at one time? Thank God, in His mercy and compassion that He didn’t make me bear the fruit of my sin! I am no more deserving of heaven than any of those others who perish in their unrepentant state.

It’s time to stop worrying about what others may think. Be bold, (not rude), and share your faith. Help others, be generous, slow to judge, quick to love and cast off all self-righteousness! We aren’t better than them! We just have a better Father.
So this is a year of harvest. What will your harvest be?


If you read my last blog about an attitude adjustment, you may have noticed some things that need changing. It occurred to me that I left you hanging… So, let’s say we need some adjusting, how do we go about it? First, repent. Ask God, and anyone else who may have been a witness to your bad attitude, to forgive you. That is always the first step to change. Next, you have to choose to change the way you think and speak. Before church, thank God for your Church Family, your Pastors, leaders and those who serve. Be honored and thankful that you get to serve yourself, (if you aren’t ask if you can, volunteer.) Ask God to help you serve with His Joy. Choose to go to church because you love Him and look at your service as an extension of that love instead of a duty or obligation.

We also need to change the way we look at others. When a negative thought comes in, before you blurt it out, cast it down and replace it with something positive. It may be hard at first, but even if all you can think of is “they have nice shoes”, then so be it. It’s a start. Never despise small beginnings. At work, be thankful for a job! Choose to see your employer as a vessel that God chose to use to bless you financially. Remember, your boss didn’t start that business to provide for you- he started it to provide for himself and his family. He has just accepted your request to work in exchange for an agreed upon amount of money. You can’t get mad because he drives a jag and you a pinto. He has all the headaches that come with owning a business and the responsibility. He also made all the investments to get the business up and running. Respect and honor your bosses and supervisors at work. Refuse to participate in the grumbling and complaining. Pray for those in authority over you. Not a “change them” prayer but a “change me” prayer.

Ephesians 6:5-8 “Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eye service, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.”

When you adjust your attitude, with God’s help, you will see great changes. You will have more joy, have more patience, less worry and stress. You will love people more, hear God clearer and you will definitely be more fun to be around!