Book Review for “Pride, Prejudice, and Cheese Grits”- Christian Romance


This is a clean, Christian romance without being preachy. Each chapter heading starts with a quote from “Pride and Prejudice”. I am not sure where the “Cheese Grits” part comes in except as a recipe in the back. Definitely a modern, southern twist on the original book. I really liked it, a fun read. I give it four stars. Good for teens and up.

Book Review for “Thicker Than Blood”- Christian Fiction


I enjoyed this book. I read the second one first, each book can be read as a stand alone, so I had to go back and read this one. I loved the writing style, the characters are real and face real life situations. Some romance, some action, and a good storyline. Will definitely be reading more by this author. I give it five stars. No swearing or sexual content, it does talk about not living right (smoking and drinking), so I can recommend for teens and up.

Book Review for “Infectious”- ChristanFiction/Dystopian/Zombie

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I am usually not a huge fan of zombie books. There have been a scarce few that I have read and even fewer that I have finished, very rare I like any of them. Having said all of that, let me say I loved this one! First off I got it free on smashwords. Then I was thrilled to find out it was a Christian book (I know a Christian Zombie book!) It’s not preachy or cheesy, it is YA, which I usually enjoy. Definitely post rapture, think Dystopian. Main character is a teenage girl living in a sanctuary while the world around her is going to wreck and ruin. The nerdy boy in town is in love with her, and then she meets the zombie…

I give it five stars and am going to purchase book two right away. This has a lot of humor, even the titles of the chapters are witty, ex: “My Butt’s Hanging Out”. Can recommend for teens and up. (caution there is talk of abortion, and eating humans)

Review Anyone?


I have just published my third Devotional, “Further In” and am in need of some reviews. Reviews sell books! If you are interested in reading this book, or any of my other books, and leaving a review for me on goodreads, amazon and/or smashwords, I can email you a digital copy of one, or give you a code to purchase one (for FREE) on smashwords. I am only asking for an honest review. If you are interested you can comment or email me at
Thank You!

Here is the link to my author page on Amazon if you are interested in any other books:

Book Review for “The Shepherd’s Song” – Christian Fiction


I was given a copy of this book by the authors in exchange for an honest review.
I can’t say enough about how refreshing this book was! “The Shepherd’s Song” takes us through the 23 Psalm, line by line and how each one touches the lives of a different person. This isn’t a cheesy, preachy book. Just stories about characters that are real and who are flawed, messed up, desperate, or despondent that learn or remember that God is the good shepherd. Great for every age, simple short stories that all tie together. No swearing, no sexual content, good inspirational reading. I actually received a hard copy of this book and have offered it to several friends to read, it is so good. I loved it and hope to have more adult reading from these two women. (They both have written children’s books before this). Well done!
I give this book 5+ stars. I loved it!

Book Review for “Resistance”- Christian Fantasy

“Resistance” is a great Christian fantasy novel. The main characters are two young adults trapped in a city that demands they worship their emperor and two moon gods, a young mixed breed slave, and an older father figure. As believers of the True God, they have to find a way to either stay hidden or make a stand. I love this book. I will go right into book two to find out what happens next. The writing style is wonderful, the characters are loveable and you feel like you have known them your whole life. It is a great work of fantasy with new peoples and cultures. It has all the swords, intrigue, and good versus evil that you expect from a fantasy novel. No swearing or sexual content, so I can recommend for teens and up. I give this book 5 stars.