Prayer of Exaltation


Oh, Heavenly Father, Maker of the Universe, Breaker of Bondages, Most Great and Wonderful, Marvelous is Your Name. Holy are You, Lord, Righteous Ruler of Heaven and Earth, how great is Your Mercy and how abundant is Your Grace. Father God, bless me this day, my spouse and my offspring, those we bore and those we adopted, in Jesus Name. Surround us with Your favor, guard us with Your Mighty Host. Dispatch Your angels to work on our behalf and to minister in our lives according to Your perfect will.

Lord, let the world see how You have blessed us and be jealous of those blessings. Let their hearts desire an intimate relationship with You. Let Your goodness, evident in our lives, turn their hearts to repentance. Holy Spirit, brood over their hearts and bring Godly sorrow so that they yearn to be free from all the bondages of sin and death.

Holy Father, You alone are worthy of all praise. You who have formed me and fashioned me according to Your purpose and plans for my life, I exalt You, Lord. Thank You for Your unfailing Love towards me.

Free Christian Romance EBook


I am offering one of my Christian Romance books free for the month of April. Follow the link. If you want to leave a review for me at smashwords you will need to add it to the library by clicking on that button. Options are for epub (e-readers), mobi (kindle version) or pdf (a document for computer).

Your Labor is Not in Vain


I Corinthians 15:58 (AMP), Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].”

We who are born of Heaven are not working on our own. We are co-laborers with Christ. We have a myriad of angels working on our behalf, ministering in our lives according to God’s perfect will. There is so much going on “behind the scenes” that it would make our heads spin. In the spiritual realm there is no inactivity, no sleeping, it is always moving and things are being accomplished every second. Satan knows that his time is short, so the battle that is being wages is massive. Sometimes I wish that I could be like Elijah’s servant and see “those that are for us” who outnumber those who are against us. Remember only one third of the angels fell, which means there are twice as much for us as are against us. We are at war; we are soldiers of the Most High.

What are we fighting, laboring for?

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT), “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

God handcrafted us as a master artist, to do good works. Every gift and talent that He placed within us is to further His Kingdom, to bring Heaven to earth. He has so much love that He isn’t satisfied with a small family, He wants a huge family. Our job is to bring them in.
I recently read a book about the Andersonville prison camp for northern prisoners of war, in Georgia during the Civil War. The conditions there were horrible; you can google it if you want all the gory details. The general in charge had never stepped inside the walls. The townspeople ignored the smell and the rumors of the men who were rotting alive. Some of the guards who were called “Sentinels” were about the only ones who felt any compassion as they witnessed it firsthand. Those were so overwhelmed by the futility of trying to help over 13,000 prisoners, without the general’s approval that they did nothing. One particular part of this story really moved me… there was an older guard who began bringing a potato, or a lemon and dropping in from his guard tower for a particular soldier to eat. When a younger guard who had become so depressed by what he was seeing that he was losing all faith in God, asked him “what is the point?” This was his answer (paraphrased), “I may not be able to feed them all, but by God I can feed one.”

I got to thinking about that, after I cried for about ten minutes. That’s how I feel sometimes when I see how bad the world around me is, when I feel like there are so many who don’t know God. I have asked myself, “how can we ever reach so many”, or “what can I do, I am just one person?” But, if we all have that same attitude as the older guard, each one reach one, our churches would be full! I am not responsible to save the world. Jesus already did. I just have to take one person at a time and let them know that this war is already one. Tell them, and more importantly show them the love of God. His goodness turns hearts to repentance. Those angels I was talking about are working on them, the Holy Spirit is brooding over their hearts preparing them to receive, and Jesus is wooing them.

Yes, there is work for us to do. Spiritual and physical, we need to witness and clean the toilets. We need to feed the hungry and change diapers. All done for God, all as co-laborers with Him, and it will all glorify Him.

We are not spinning our wheels, if we are led by His Spirit, though it may seem that we aren’t accomplishing much in the natural, our labor is not wasted or futile!

So, keep working. Take one day at a time, but look at each one and each opportunity in the light of eternity. Always remember, there are more for us than against us!

Book Review for “The Shepherd’s Song” – Christian Fiction


I was given a copy of this book by the authors in exchange for an honest review.
I can’t say enough about how refreshing this book was! “The Shepherd’s Song” takes us through the 23 Psalm, line by line and how each one touches the lives of a different person. This isn’t a cheesy, preachy book. Just stories about characters that are real and who are flawed, messed up, desperate, or despondent that learn or remember that God is the good shepherd. Great for every age, simple short stories that all tie together. No swearing, no sexual content, good inspirational reading. I actually received a hard copy of this book and have offered it to several friends to read, it is so good. I loved it and hope to have more adult reading from these two women. (They both have written children’s books before this). Well done!
I give this book 5+ stars. I loved it!

Book Review for “Amazing Grace”- Military Christian Fiction


I am torn about this book. I was unsure about giving it five stars. I do consider it a “Christian Book” as it has a great message and is written about a woman who turns her life around and allows God to use her. However, there is swearing. Not what I would consider the “really bad” words, but the book is about military types and there is some language involved. There is also one sex scene though not explicit, and lot’s of violence. So I wouldn’t consider it “clean” reading. I did love the story though! It may have been gritty, but it was honest. Fast paced action, good versus evil, though the good characters are definitely flawed. I will be reading more by this author. So I have to be true to my feelings, I loved it, and give it five stars. If you prefer your books with no swearing, then be forewarned. I can only recommend for ages 17 and up due to content.

Let My Life Count


James 4:14 (KJB), “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

From the day that Eve birthed Cain people continue to be born. Since the day that Cain murdered his brother Abel, people continue to die. Life and death, two absolutes in this life. We are born, we live our lives, and when our bodies either break down and quite on us or a sudden tragedy strikes, our lives are over. No matter our age when we die, life is short. The bible says it is “but a vapor”.
For many people their lives amount to not much of anything. They have simply taken up space. Others have contributed in some way to their families or to society while others have left their mark in this world. Few have made great scientific and medical discoveries, intellectual achievements, and invented things that still benefit us today. Then there are those whose lives have only ushered in more evil into the world.

I am not afraid to die. I never have been. Life is what was always scary to me. Now that I live for the Lord, life is good, not perfect, but good. I am not looking for fame or notoriety. I don’t want to just exist either and I certainly don’t want my legacy to be one of pain and misery on others. I want my life to count for something. Despite popular belief, we are not some accidental evolutionary occurrence. We have been designed by a great architect. We have been created for a purposely created for a purpose.

“You are not a momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life… you were made with a purpose.” ~ Og Mandino, Author of “The Greatest Salesman”

God has a plan for every person born. Not a single plan is a bad plan. He never planned for Hitler to butcher millions of people. That was never Hitler’s purpose. Who knows what wonderful plan God had for that man…

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Each one of us has a reason for being here. God handpicked us for a specific time and place, there is no “accidents” in God’s planning. We can, like Hitler, choose to make our own plans and determine our own future. Hitler chose hell.

Every person born into this world has a free will. We are free to choose to follow the path God has laid out for us or to choose to make our own path. Either way there will be hard times, for we live in a fallen world and real evil does exist. But when we determine to walk on the path that he has for us, every bad situation is turned around for our good. Even when we stumble or get off the path, He extends His hand of love and helps us back up and back on the right track. Our lives are not without purpose. We can either accept that purpose and strive to be all God has created us to be, using our gifts and talents for His glory, or we can reject His purpose.

Acts 13:36 (NIV), “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.”

Luke 7:30 (NASB), “But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, not having been baptized by John.”

It encourages me to think of those imperfect, messed up, people who went on before me and fulfilled their purpose. I still have to remember those like Hitler; they remind me of the evil that is always crouching at the door looking for an opening to come in. However, remembering the Mother Theresa’s, the William Wilberforce’s, and the Mildred Cable’s of this world. Then there are the countless people who quietly live their lives and are barely noticed by anyone save their families and friends who live right, serve their community, love their families and live for God. The world may never know them or recognize what they do, but God is paying close attention. He is storing up rewards for them in heaven and He is pouring out His bounty on them now.

Some will suffer for Him and others will lose their lives, but their lives will count!