Book Review for “One Crazy Summer”

“With the whole summer ahead of him, Bradley stumbles unwittingly into his first summer job.”
Scott McElhaney has a great writing style. I have enjoyed his sci fi books and I totally loved this one. Who doesn’t love a flashback from our past when we were young and stupid? Several of the characters reminded me of people I knew in my past. There is some very humorous parts in this book. This is good, clean, fun fiction. It is written for adults, but I recommend for pre-teens and up. I give it five stars.
P.S. All of Scott’s books are only .99 on amazon for Kindle.

Book Review for “Lifeboat”-Sci Fi

I was given a copy of “Lifeboat” by the author, A.B. Shepherd, in exchange for an honest review. I liked the story. It is told in the first person, through the eyes of mainly two people. The story kept my interest, wanting to see what happened next. The whole flavor reminded me of the old “Twilight Zone” series that I loved as a kid, they always left me thinking “what??” Overall a good read. I give the book 3 stars.

Book Review for “Gods and Kings” -Christian Fiction

Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin was a great Christian fiction read. It tells the story of a time in the history of Judah when they had turned their backs on God and even brought false gods into the temple. It includes biblical history with creative fiction and spans a few generations. There are more in the series and I will probably read them all. Lynn Austin knows how to tell a good story. I give this book 4 stars.

Book Review for “Land of the Unaltered”

I was given a copy of “Land of the Unaltered” by the author, Leti Del Mar, in exchange for an honest review. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It is intended as a YA and is definitely suitable for pre-teens and up. The story is based on a dystopian society that is obsessed with looking perfect and they are constantly being “altered”, but there are those who are unaltered who want freedom. The story speaks volumes about our own obsession with looks. Great read. I give it 5 stars as a YA, 4 for adult. Looking forward to the next book as this is the first in a series.

Book Review for “Foreverland is Dead”

I was given a copy of “Foreverland is Dead” by the author, Tony Bertauski, in exchange for an honest review. This one kept me on the edge of my seat through the whole thing. I stayed up way too late and picked it up firs thing in the morning to finish it! Then the ending completely blew me away. I can almost always figure out the plot line, but this one kept me guessing until the end. It’s a story of an alternate reality populated by teenage girls who are trapped. The story is gritty and fast paced. I really enjoyed it. I would definitely read more from this author and am looking forward to the next book in the Foreverland series. I give the book 5 stars. I would recommend it for age 13 and up.

Book Review for “Unforgiving Ghosts” by Candi Ann Little

I liked this book. Good Christian romance. A woman going through the hardest time in her life bolts and runs, only to find out that she needed to face her issues head on. It was a little slow for me and I had some trouble connecting to the characters. Over all a good read. I give this book 3 stars. I wouldn’t recommend for under 16 due to some sexual references.

Book Review for “Icefall” -Childrens Book

I purchased this book for my grandchildren and unfortunately they do not have the same love for fantasy as I do. I ended up reading it and just loved it. Read the whole thing in three sittings. I will definitely be looking for more by this author, Matthew Kirby. This is a great book for preteens about being who you really are. Would recommend ages 10 and up. I give this book 5 stars.