The Quarryman’s Bride by Tracie Peterson is a great story of love, betrayal and forgiveness. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Tracie Peterson is a wonderful author that always incorporates faith and God’s love in her stories in a way that does not shove it down your throat. Every Christian aspect is an integral part of the storyline. I give this 5 stars and recommend to anyone who loves a good love story. This book is appropriate for young ladies as well as adults.
Author Archives
God Cares About the Little Things
Originally written July 2010
God is so “involved” in my life. He proves it again and again. Yesterday I was looking for the lyrics to some songs I had written years ago, and instead found a prophecy for myself and one for my daughter from 1995. I typed them into my new computer and printed off copies for us both. Mine talked about pretty much everything I’ve gone through physically, since that day and God’s promise to deliver me from it all! At Church, the next week, Apostle Bill preached about prophecy. One thing he said was, “We fight our warfare by the prophecies that have gone out before us!” No coincidence there! If I had not put the 1995 prophecy away, (I had kept it somewhere obvious for a long time, but eventually it got stuck away in a notebook) had I studied it and pondered it in my heart, I never would have lost hope a few months ago, the way that I did. God gives us what we need! He truly does! We just have to be faithful! I have several old prophecies on tape and some more recent ones on CD. I’m gonna hunt them all down and type them up, and “rehearse them” until they are stuck in my heart! Yesterday morning I woke up with heart racing and stomach sick, I did not have the strength to fight, I went through the motions of rebuking and confessing, but my heart was not in it. I drifted back to sleep and when I woke up I remembered a message from a few weeks ago about prophesying over myself. I got out of bed, came downstairs and started praying in tongues, next I started shouting, (yes the first 30 seconds felt stupid, and I was thankful that my window were shut), but then something just welled up in me! I did business with my flesh! I did business with the devil, and I loved on God! I did some groaning and weeping in the Holy Spirit and when all was said and done, I had peace like a blanket over me. Then last night at Church when asked “who wants to prophecy” I couldn’t sit still! I had just experienced it, that day in such a great way in my own life! I did not have some great word, for the man I spoke over, but I was obedient! Man did that feel good! What has God been speaking over you? What did he promise in the past? Maybe you’ve never had a personal prophecy over yourself…well open your Bible, find some promises of God, and DECLARE them over your life! What do you want changed in your life? Rom 4:17-18 NKJV “in the presence of Him whom he believed — God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;” We need to call into existence what we need! Don’t speak about your debt, call forth finances! God said, “wealth and riches are in my house!” Don’t complain about your physical symptoms! Call forth Divine Health! God says, “By the stripes of Jesus’ back I have been healed!” Call forth what IS NOT, as though IT IS! Let’s be honest, we don’t have that much more time left on this earth, we need everything God has for us to be a light unto a dying world, to walk in the abundance God wants for us so that we can help the needy, and to stand and having done all to STAND THEREFORE! I’m still learning, thank God! Every day He brings me up higher and higher! Won’t you allow Him to do the same for you?
Review for “Continuum: Fables of the Fallen” a Collection of Short Stories
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is a collection of work by young writers. I appreciate the opportunity to get a preview of their writing styles. Because there are 6 separate stories, by 6 separate authors, I am going to review this one differently. My overall review for the complete collection is 4 stars.
My individual reviews are as follows:
“Night Wolves” by Kathleen Gulo- This one got me right from the beginning. It reminds me of an edgy fairytale, and the werewolves are not love interests. I give this short story 5 stars. I intend to read the full version when the story is finished.
“Fragile Innocence” by R.C. Erickson-Futuristic cop story. This one was ok, good writing. Without spoiling the story, just not my kind of ending. I give this one 3 stars.
“Shadows Break” by Gregory Downs- Fantasy, I like this one. I give it 4 stars.
“Flesh and Metal” by Alexander Pyles-Sci Fi. This was another of my favorites. Machine meets man in a spine tingling way. This one gets 4 stars from me.
“Virtuoso” by Nathan Slemp- Fantasy and Crime Solving. This was well written, but I couldn’t connect with the characters and probably my least favorite. I give this one 3 stars. Just not my style.
“The Tragedy of Garth” by Jacob Baugh. I wanted to love this one, but once again, not my kind of ending. Well written I give this one 4 stars simply due to my personal taste in stories.
So overall, all authors have great promise! If you like Sci Fi and Fantasy, you will enjoy these short stories.
Review for “Daughters of the Ocean” by Jennifer Gropp
I think this book has potential to be a good YA story. The plot is similar to Twilight, with enough differences to make it interesting, instead of vampires this story is populated by sons of Thor and Merfolk. Unfortunately, the grammar, spelling and general typos were frequent enough to frustrate my reading. The story is told from two points of view, which I liked, except for the fact that sometimes it was just repeating the exact same conversation twice. Because I think the story line will apeal to the audience it is intended for, I have given it 3 stars. My opinion is that a good re-write could earn at least 4 stars (and probably 5 from the intended YA audience).
Yes, No, Wait
God answers prayer. Always. But not always the way we want or in the time we want. When we ask God and He gives a “YES” we get real excited! When we get a “NO” it is a little harder to hear, but we know we can change our plans and count on His Faithfulness to carry us through. (As long as we trust His answer and don’t run to ten people to get their advice, really looking for a pretend “yes” from our fellow human beings). Now on the other hand, none of us like hearing “WAIT” or in my case, silence, no “yes”, no “no”, just silence. After several mistakes I have learned that silence in these situations for me, usually means “wait”. I have lost patience, jumped the gun, and even gave up on getting an answer. I have begged for the yes, then even begged for a no, only to seemingly, not get an answer, or to be told to “wait.” Waiting wasn’t easy for me most of the time, and I still struggle now and again. But God gave us free will, and he allowed me to go my own way. It doesn’t take long to figure out when you are not in his perfect will! That is called the school of hard knocks, or a “wandering in the desert experience”. Ever had one of those? Sometimes God says “yes” but we never totally trust Him. Like those other ones who wandered for forty years in their desert experience. Sometimes we ask God the wrong questions, we ask for the plan of our whole lives, and He just wants to give us our next step. Ask Him a question that can be answered by a “yes”, “no”, or “wait”. Now, due to the fact that I have been told to “wait” several times, I do it much better. I am more confident in God. He knows what’s best for me. I’ve screwed it up enough on my own to know that His way is always better, no matter how hard it may seem, or how long it takes to see the fruit.
Review for “Between the Land and Sea”
Between the Land and the Sea is a well written “fairytale” that includes love, fashion, surfing and mermaids. Derrolyn Anderson has done a fine job of merging fact and fiction into a wonderful story. I loved this book. I am not sure if it was intended for YA, but it is certainly suitable, nothing inappropriate here, very clean writing. This isn’t a typical cheesy romance. Loved the main character of Marina, and I appreciated that the leading man is a hard working young person. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I give this book 5 stars.
Book Review for “Though My Heart is Torn”
I was given a chance to review this book by the author, Joanne Bischof, and I loved it! Now I have to get book one! I will definitely be reading more of this author. Good Christian romance, not preachy, but full of God’s love. The characters are real, and this book talks about some tough issues and imperfect people who are trying to do the right thing. The story is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains in days when living was hard. I give this book 5 stars.