What Are You Looking For?


Multitudes came to Jesus. He was the rock-star, the all-star of His day (minus the money and the attitude). Why did they come? What were they looking for?

Some came seeking a healer. Like Blind Bartimaeus, or the woman with the issue of blood. Some came looking for salvation. Like the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. Some were looking for deliverance. Like the Gaderine or the Canaanite woman whose daughter was demon possessed.

But there were others who came for less spiritual reasons. They were like the Roman mobs who demanded “bread and games.” Who flocked to the arena to be entertained and fed. Or like modern Americans who are looking for a “free ride” and a not-so-real reality show.

Jesus at the end of a long day of ministry looked around at the thousands of people and had compassion on them. He told the disciples to feed them. Of course there was some confusion on how to do that until they found the five small loaves and the two fish, and Jesus proceeded to feed them all. It happened twice. Both times there was enough food for perhaps a couple of people, and Jesus not only fed thousands, but they gathered up baskets full of left-overs. After that the people followed Him because of the food.

He also had those who asked for a sign. Something to “wow” them. Something they hadn’t seen before. They treated their Savior like a wind-up toy, demanding that he entertain them. Some came just to watch Him long enough to catch Him in a lie, or a sin so that they could expose Him for what they thought He was.
Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and understanding. He told those that were looking for food, that He was the bread of life and that they needed to eat His body and drink His blood. They were horrified and many left, never to return. When He asked the twelve if they were going to leave, Peter who sometimes seemed so dull, said “Where would we go? You have the words of Life.”

Some came and still come to Him, hoping for a quick fix, a way to make life easier. But following Jesus isn’t about an easy life or prosperity. Yes, the Father wants to bless us and give us good things, and He will. But Jesus warns us “that in this life you will have trouble.” But He also tells us not to fear because He is with us. Shortly after the two bread and fish feasts, Jesus is explaining to the disciples and the multitude that the elders would reject Him, that He would be killed, and that He would rise up. Peter tried to correct Him, only to be rebuked himself.

Mark 8:34-35 “Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”
The Message Bible says it this way: “Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?”

Before the first nail was ever driven into those kind work-callused hands, He spoke of carrying a cross of our own. My cross is not illness, my disobedient child, my needy mother, or that awful job. No, my cross is my flesh, my ungodly thought patterns and my own will. What did Jesus say in the garden when He anguished over His own cross? “Not my will, but yours.” I have to carry that cross-not indefinitely-just until I reach my own Calvary where I crucify my flesh and rise again with Christ.

Sometimes I find myself out of the Kingdom of Heaven and back into the world. My flesh is rebelling and my mind is full of those un-truths again. Then I have to pick up my cross again-and take my sin to God. He is always quick to forgive. How can I crucify this flesh? Say what God says about me, my situation. Do what He tells me. Read His word, replace the lies with the truth. Fast! Pray for others. Put others first. Thank God for your child, and that job. Honor your mother and rebuke that illness.

The Kingdom of God isn’t about “bread and games.” It is about living in Him. Showing the world how much He cares about us. It’s about walking in our authority, giving of ourselves. It’s about giving and receiving. Sometimes it’s about sacrifice. Living for Him instead of our own selfish desires.

Mark 8:36-37 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

What are you looking for?



Sometimes I am like Jonah, not wanting forgiveness for ‘them.’
Sometimes I am like the Sons of Thunder, wanting to call down fire from heaven.
Sometimes I am like the Pharisees only wanting to clean the outside.
Sometimes I am like Judas, wanting God to do things my way.
Sometimes I am like the Children of Israel complaining over Manna.
Sometimes I am like Paul, crying ‘Oh, wretched man that I am.’
Sometimes I am like Mary sitting at the feet of the Teacher.
Sometimes I am like Peter stepping out and walking on the water.
Sometimes I am like David with a song in my heart and praise on my lips.
Sometimes I am like Abraham pleading for just one righteous man.
Sometimes I am like Ruth leaving all behind and cleaving with love to the future.
Sometimes I am like Steven looking into the face of Christ.
Sometimes I am even like Jesus, walking in His love and light.


A+ Rubber Stamp on Notebook Paper
I’ve often wondered about “tests” by God. Some religions believe that God “tests the hearts of men” to see if they will be true to Him. I always had a problem with that. God is omniscient; He knows everything, all the time. He knows…all at the same time… the past, present and future. He knows the thoughts and intents of men’s hearts. He knows the beginning from the end. So- He knows our hearts better than we do. He doesn’t just “read” our minds. He knows what we are going to think, before the thought comes into our head! So my conclusion is the “testing” isn’t for His benefit, so He can find something out about us. I think the trials and tests help US to discover things about HIM, (and ourselves). 1 Peter 1:7 says, “These trials are only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it-and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tried in the test tube of fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of his return.” God knows how much faith I have, so this scripture is telling me that these trials are to show me how much faith I have, or don’t have.
Each trial I have gone through has taught me more about the Father. Coming through financial problems showed me how much He wants to provide for me. When I stumble, I find out how much He loves me and that He is quick to forgive. When I come through an illness, I know Him as Healer. I am so glad that God is NOT grading my “tests”! Just think if He was like a school teacher. I used to give grades to my pupils to determine their grasp or their understanding of the subject, whether or not they have paid attention in class, studied their information, and their effort put forth. If they have done well and mastered the information I give them an “A”! If they didn’t make the effort, or didn’t pay attention, refused to read the information that I presented to them, they earn a lower score, sometimes an “F” for FAIL. God gives us what is known as a “Pass/Fail”. Even if we haven’t really paid attention (in church, or to the Holy Spirit), even if we don’t read our information (God’s Word), even if we don’t study (Pray in tongues, or praying at all) as much as we should, we can still “Pass” the test. Of course some people do fail. They forsake God and turn back to the world for answers.
I love taking Tests in the natural, always have. Love to learn new things. But in the spiritual, if I got to vote, I’d say no to tests. If God had been giving me letter grades, based on my performance, I believe they would have been maybe some “B’s”, several “C’s” and unfortunately a lot “D’s”! I’ve never failed. Praise God for His patience and grace! But I’ve never earned an “A”. Talk about an embarrassing report card! But these tests have “purified” me, helped me to draw closer to Him. To rely on God. I have learned how important it is to listen, pray and read the word. Not as busy work, or as an obligation, but as a way of getting more intimate with God. So…am I “counting it all joy” as James said? Well maybe not all the time, sometimes I just get frustrated. But I am getting better. I won’t be asking God to test me, but when He does, I WILL be paying attention!

My Heart

Some of us are afraid to give our hearts to God, or at least our “whole heart.” We have this silly notion that our heart has compartments or pieces like a jig saw puzzle. Then we think “if I give my whole heart to God, what will I have left for my family?” or worse yet, “If I give my love away, and don’t get any back, then those compartments will be empty, and I’ll run out of love!” We picture our hearts like a puzzle with missing pieces, just giving parts of it here and there and never getting them back. Or perhaps we have had our hearts broken and feel like it has been shattered, and the broken shards are scattered to the wind. God showed me a wonderful picture today of my heart and the truth about my heart!
God said, “Give me your whole heart, and I will tear down all walls and dividers. No longer will your heart have compartments, it will be one big open vessel. Then I will pour in My Love! I will fill the vessel with MY LOVE. Then when you start loving others, not expecting anything in return, it stops being a vessel and becomes a SPRING! A spring that never runs dry! Then your love for others will be from this source and it will be more pure and strong than what you have now!”
If your heart has been broken, HE can put it back together, or even better, create a brand new heart for you. Accept HIS LOVE and HE will make your heart a Spring of Living Water. Why does God want our hearts? God said in Romans 2 “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” and in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God’s holy nation, and his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” When we accept God’s love and give it to others, we show the goodness of God! When we give Him our whole heart, holding nothing back, we accept more readily everything He has for us. He blesses our socks off, and then we can bless others! When we can love, whether they ever love us back, it shows God’s goodness! Give God your heart! HE LOVES YOU! He wants nothing less, is not satisfied with only part of us, He wants all of your heart.