I Am Yours


You are Holy, Lord.
Your love is excessive.
You are Just, Lord.
Your generosity is extensive.

Who am I, that I caught your attention?
Who am I, that you lavish your affection?

You are faithful, Lord.
Your hand never fails me.
You are powerful, Lord.
Your strength never leaves me.

Who am I, that You would pay my penalty?
Who am I, that You would love me in my frailty?

You are my Father, Lord.
As Your child, I am loved.
You are my Bridegroom, Lord.
I am your beloved.

copyright Jodi A. Woody 2014

Book Review For “Dreams: The Burning Trilogy”-Teen Christian Paranormal


I was given a copy of “dreams: The Burning Trilogy” by the author, Missy Reynolds, in exchange for an honest review. Dreams is a YA Christian Paranormal. I liked the story line. he characters need some rounding out, they were a bit shallow. I liked the fact that it was supernatural good versus evil story. The message of faith isn’t too sappy, it follows the storyline. This can be a stand alone story as it ends in a good place. My opinion is that the book is best suited for ages 12-18. I give it three stars, I liked the book.

Book Review for “Jesus Himself”-Christian Inspriational Non Fiction


I love anything by Andrew Murray. This one though is one of my favorites. Jesus Himself is a call to rely on Him alone, to allow Him to dwell in us, use us, and to surrender all to Him. Easy reading, this book reads like you are hearing him preach/teach. I tend to read fiction super fast, and have to purposely make myself slow down for these types of books. Read it a bit at a time as a devotional or read right through, either way you will be blessed. Good for all ages, the language is outdated, but I think most of us can understand what he is saying. I give it five solid stars.

Book Review for “Red River”- YA Dystopian


I was given a copy of “Red River” by the author, Kelly Van Hull, in exchange for an honest review. I have to first say that I love YA dystopian. They don’t seem to be quite as dark as adult dystopian, and these books by Kelly do not disappoint. I enjoyed both “Tent City” and this second book as well. I can recommend them for ages Jr. High and up. Good fiction writing, the main characters are teens and Kelly represents them well. The characters are well rounded. The setting is in the Bad Lands. A religious fanatic is in charge of the US and things are going downhill fast. A group of people are trying to stay alive in remote country. There are enough twists in the plot to keep you on your toes. I read this almost straight through. No swearing, the only sexual content is implied, there is fighting. I give it five stars. I loved the series. Red River finishes up (I think), the story line. I am looking forward to what else will be coming from this author

I Will Let Your Spirit Guide Me


Dear Father, Thank You for this day! That Your Holy Spirit Guides me, and that I can go in Your love, joy, and strength. Thank You for peace and rest. The peace You give me is not like the peace of this world. Your rest is a calm assurance that You are for me and not against me. You never give me more than I can handle if I lean on Your strong arm, so whatever comes my way today, I will confidently stand on Your word and seek Your will in each situation. You are the one who will complete what You have begun in me. I will listen and obey, and if I need wisdom, I will ask You for it. I choose this day to live from Heaven and not from this earth cursed system. I will not fear anything that bombards my natural senses, but will instead rely and trust my spiritual eyes and ears. I will rely wholly on the Holy Spirit who speaks to me in many ways. Today will be a prosperous day, for me and for Your Kingdom.

No Longer An Enemy


Titus 3:3-7 (NIV), “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”

We look at the world and think, “Oh, my…,” but it wasn’t that long ago that we were just like them. In fact, not only were we deceived and foolish, disobedient and enslaved, God says we were His enemies.

Romans 5:10 (KJB), “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”

The Good News, for us and them, is that while we were still His enemy, He loved us so much that He paid the price to reconcile us to Him. The New Living translation says we were “restored.” That’s a big deal. Our sin separated us from God. Nothing else can.

Romans 8:35-39 (NIV), “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? Just as it is written, “FOR YOUR SAKE WE ARE BEING PUT TO DEATH ALL DAY LONG; WE WERE CONSIDERED AS SHEEP TO BE SLAUGHTERED.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus became sin, so that we could bridge that gap that our own sin put between us and our Father. Then God, in His love and mercy, went a step further. He made us brand new. That old us has passed away, if we have truly accepted Jesus as our Lord. Now instead of His enemies, we are His children. We are no longer slaves to sin, we are free in the family of God. We are heirs and joint heirs with Christ! We can do what He did while on this earth, and according to John 14:12, even greater things. At Christ’s death and resurrection, He ascended to Heaven and left us the Holy Spirit. Now with His help, the Holy Spirit’s, we can do even greater works.
We just have to believe. Most of us have no problem believing that Jesus did miracles. Our issue is not belief in His power, or ability, it is unbelief in who we really are. We think we are still His enemy, still a slave to sin, still captive in this world, but we are not. We are no longer an enemy to God. As His dearly loved children, He has given us authority! Miracles should be happening where ever God’s children are! We should be seeing salvations, (the greatest miracle of all), blind seeing, deaf hearing, lame walking, addicted delivered, and lives transformed.

It teaches and preaches easier than it is walked out. I know. However, even though I haven’t reached that place yet, I am walking in the right direction. My steps may be baby steps, but they are forward. I am not standing still. Truthfully, the only way to get confident in our place is to listen to what God has to say through His word, through preaching and teaching, and through His Holy Spirit speaking into our lives. Then we stand on it, step out in faith, sure our knees may knock and our stomach may contain a few butterflies, but we do it. One pastor said it this way, “So what if you are scared. You still have to do it. Do is scared!”

I have done so many things scared! It is even comical to think about some of the things. But, I am growing stronger in the things of the Lord. I used to be shy and introverted (unless I was under the influence of a mood altering substance). I hated new schools, moving, meeting new people or anything that took me out of my comfort zone. I hated all forms of confrontation, even the good, healthy kind. Now, I am not shy. I love meeting new people. I can talk to anyone with ease. I may still get a little shaky if I have to get up in front of a lot of people, but even then, after the initial few minutes, the ease comes. I know that I am doing what pleased God, how can we not be confident in that place?

Don’t you think the rest of the world should know that they don’t have to stay His enemy?

Jesus, thank You for reconciling, and restoring us to our Father. Whenever I feel small, unworthy, or lost, I will remember that I am His child, that He loves me dearly, and that You left me Your Spirit to guide me.

His Word is Settled


Matthew 24:35 (KJB), “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

I am so glad that I have the Written Word of God!

The more I read and study His word, the closer I get to Him, the more I find out about who He is and how He sees me. His word is a plum line for my life. If I hear any voice that doesn’t line up with His word, I ignore it, or rebuke it.

A good Pastor or Teacher uses His word, without watering it down, or changing it. They do not leave out parts and skip over others, never taking it out of context to make a point that is their own doctrine and not the doctrine of the Lord.

His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, (Psalm 119:105). It is sweet! (Psalm 119:103). His word is true and they stand forever, (Psalm 119:160).

One of the greatest aspects of His word is that it is settled in Heaven.

Psalm 119:89 (NAS), “Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.”
(NIV), “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.”
(International Standard Version), “Your word is forever, LORD; it is firmly established in heaven.”
(ESV), “Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.”

No matter what translation of the Bible you read Psalm 119:89, it just gets clearer and more concrete. God’s word is fixed, stands firm, is firmly established, it is settled. Have you ever heard someone say, “That settles it!” What they mean is there is no more questioning, no more argument, no more reasoning, studying, putting up with something less. We can’t argue with His word, can’t change it, can’t shift or shake it. The only thing we can do is ignore it, but it is still there. Ignore the mosquitoes and see how well that works for you.

For me, this is a promise of God that I can stand on. No matter what the circumstances, no matter the situation, His word is firmly established. That’s why we can confidently stand on His word. That’s why at His word things change! They have to.

Jesus told us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”(Matthew 6:10)

Why? Because His word is His will. Nothing less than His will is done in Heaven. That’s the plan for earth as well. However, we ignore, pollute, and poison His word. Some so called Christians even use it for harm instead of good. They use it to beat people up instead of building them up. They in fact cause people to turn from God, instead of run into His loving arms. What we should be doing is looking to His Kingdom, into heaven and asking ourselves, “What is allowed in heaven?” If it isn’t allowed there, why would we ever allow it here? Stand on His word. Declare what He has to say.

It’s settled!