Book Review for “One Crazy Summer”

“With the whole summer ahead of him, Bradley stumbles unwittingly into his first summer job.”
Scott McElhaney has a great writing style. I have enjoyed his sci fi books and I totally loved this one. Who doesn’t love a flashback from our past when we were young and stupid? Several of the characters reminded me of people I knew in my past. There is some very humorous parts in this book. This is good, clean, fun fiction. It is written for adults, but I recommend for pre-teens and up. I give it five stars.
P.S. All of Scott’s books are only .99 on amazon for Kindle.

Book Review for “Throw Yourself a Party” non-fiction

Throw yourself a party by Dave Duell is a book for everyone.
” How do you react when things don’t go your way?
What do you do when everything seems to go wrong?
In this insightful book, you will learn biblical principles for dealing with difficult situations. As you discover these living truths from God’s Word, you will be refreshed in your spirit and set on a new course of victory over life’s challenges.
Go ahead – throw yourself a party! ”

I have had the privilege of hearing Dave in person and his writing style is as easy as his speaking style. If you are in a hard place, this book is for you! If you’re not, read it and prepare!
Very encouraging, uplifting and inspirational! I give this book 5+ stars. Recommended for pre-teens and up.
You can find the book here.

Book Review for “The Changeling”

The Changeling by Christopher Shields is the second book in the Weald Fae Journals. A fantasy/fairytale. I loved the first book, The Steward and this one is just as good. A book filled with Fae (fairies) and set in the mountains of Arkansas, it is every fairytale lover’s dream. Maggie O’Shea, the main character is a strong feminine character that will do anything to protect her family and friends from the evil fae. As the title states, there is a changeling in book two. Maggie desperately tries to save her little brother, Mitch, while the changeling takes his place in their lives. A great read! I give this book 5+ stars. My only disappointment is that the third book isn’t finished yet. Good for ages 13 and up.