What a fun read! I like Regency Romance and this one was not your typical storyline. A modern, 21st century Jewish career woman is thrown into the past. What a mixed up event. If you like Regency, you’ll love it. I give it 4 stars. I really liked it. I was given a copy of this book, by Story Cartel, in exchange for an honest review. I can recommend this to everyone. No sexual content and no swearing.
Never Forget, Always Trust
Psalms 106:8-14 (AMP), “Our fathers in Egypt understood not nor appreciated Your miracles; they did not [earnestly] remember the multitude of Your mercies nor imprint Your loving-kindness [on their hearts], but they were rebellious and provoked the Lord at the sea, even at the Red Sea. Nevertheless He saved them for His name’s sake [to prove the righteousness of the divine character], that He might make His mighty power known. He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it dried up; so He led them through the depths as through a pastureland. And He saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the [Egyptian] enemy. And the waters covered their adversaries; not one of them was left. Then [Israel] believed His words [trusting in, relying on them]; they sang His praise. But they hastily forgot His works; they did not [earnestly] wait for His plans [to develop] regarding them, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness and tempted and tried to restrain God [with their insistent desires] in the desert.”
David admits that his forefathers had a problem with forgetfulness. They forgot that God is a merciful God, that he is a loving Father, kind and fiercely protective. Yet God still saved them, so that others could see His power. God performed many wonderful things in the sight of those rebellious children, who tramped years longer than necessary, through the wilderness. But those children “hastily forgot His works.” They quickly lusted for what they didn’t have instead of being grateful for what they did.
They also had some trust issues. God in his patience would deliver them, and they would sing His praise and seemingly put their trust in Him, only to “restrain Him with their insistent desires”. They hindered the work He wanted to do for them. They hindered and fought against the plan He had laid. They wanted what they wanted instead of accepting what they needed from the One who knew the beginning from the end. These stiff-necked children tried to live according to the world’s system instead of listening and obeying God.
Psalms 106:34-39 (AMP), “They did not destroy the [heathen] nations as the Lord commanded them, But mingled themselves with the [idolatrous] nations and learned their ways and works and served their idols, which were a snare to them. Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with their blood. Thus were they defiled by their own works, and they played the harlot and practiced idolatry with their own deeds [of idolatrous rites].”
Now, before we get to judgmental, let’s take a look at our own lives. Do we really trust Him, let’s be honest, or do we try to “figure things out” on our own? Do we remember all He has already brought us through, or do we listen to the news, the doctor’s report, or look at that balance in our checking account? Are we thankful for where He is leading us and expecting to come out into a blessing, or are we looking back at the past thinking how much more fun things were, or what we think we are missing out on? Do we desire to live Godly, or do we look at the seeming ease of the world and whish that we could have things so “easy?” God hasn’t changed. The same desires that He had for those who were slaves in Egypt, are the exact ones He has for us. He wants us blessed, and He wants us to be a blessing!
We can only do that if we “lean not on our own understanding.” We know Him, know His plans for us, listen and obey. I know it sounds too simple, but really it is. We are the ones who make it hard. How can we ever lead anyone to Christ, build the Kingdom, if we are full of doubt and unbelief? If we can’t remember all the wonderful things He has done for us, how are we going to share our testimony? Do we share more problems than God’s providence? Are we steeped in worry and anxiety? That’s not how it should be! If we live the way those escaped slaves lived, with a slave mentality, we will never be who God has ordained us to be. He has set us free! We are no longer slaves, we are sons.
Trust Him. He is trustworthy. Period.
And NEVER forget His love for you. Ever.
Book Reviews for “Divergent”, “Insurgent”, and “Allegiant”- YA Dystopian Fiction
One of my new favorites! I so love this book. I know I will read it again. Dystopian at it’s finest. Easy writing style. Well rounded characters!! Flawed and real. There is violence, but no swearing or sexual content. Set in a futuristic society where people have been grouped by their character traits. I’d give it 6 stars if I could. That good. On to book two.
At first I thought this one wasn’t as good as book one, but as I got farther along in the story, it was just as good! A great dystopian book set in Chicago. Society is set in “Factions” that dictate pretty much everything in your life. This story is about those who don’t fit the mold. More plot twists in this one. Looking forward to starting the final book. One of my new favorite authors. I give it 5 stars. No swearing and no sexual content. Just good drama and action, with some romance (the non-sappy kind) thrown in. Great read!
Allegiant-I finished the last book of the “Divergent” series! I loved this series. It was all about loyalty, sacrifice, love and human nature, the good and the bad. Veronica Roth is now one of my favorite authors and I will be looking for more from this author. I can recommend this book for High School age and up. No swearing, or sexual content, there is violence. I give it a solid 5 stars! (These books have to be read in sequence.)
Book Review for “Infiltrator”- YA Dystopian Fiction
I was given a copy of the first book in this series in exchange for an honest review. I liked it so much I bought book two. This one is even better. It gets more into the past of both of the main characters and a more twisted plot begins to unfold. I am looking forward to book three. This is a “clean” book. No bad language or sexual content. Though there is a husband and wife and it is implied, it is very vague. Great for ages 14 and up. I give it 5 stars and think it is one of the better dystopian books out there. Set in a futuristic Australia, the language is a little different and fun.
Under Construction
So I always knew I was slightly technologically challenged, but I found out for sure when I tried to change my website to a new host! Thankfully several young helpers were able to talk me through parts and at some points just do the work for me. It was humbling.
Isn’t that the way it is?
First we have to admit that there is something better out there for us. Then we have to acknowledge that we can’t do it on our own, possibly don’t even know where to start. Finally, we surrender our pride and say, “HELP.”
The final outcome is better!
I John 3:2 (NIV), “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”
PS: thanks for being patient while I worked out all the kinks in my website. I do now have my books available here and you can check out securely with paypal.
My Whole Heart
My Whole Heart
Deuteronomy 6:5 (KJB), “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
God wants our whole heart. He won’t be satisfied with anything less. I used to read this verse and think to myself “how do I even do that?” Another issue I used to have is that if I gave my whole heart to God, what would be left for all the others that I love. In my immaturity I was thinking with my natural brain, and not seeing with my spiritual eyes.
First off let me say when we love God first, with all the love we have, our love is so multiplied that there is more than enough to go around for family and friends. In fact we will find ourselves loving strangers, enemies, and many others that the world deems as “unlovable.” As to how to love God with your whole heart, with all our soul (mind, will, and emotions), and all our strength, it is so simple that it can confuse our foolish minds. We have to start by giving God the rule of our lives. We can’t stay on the throne and think somehow we are giving Him all. It’s not by our belief in Him, or our faith. It is by simply allowing Christ to dwell in our hearts and live in us. We have to be truly submitted to His will and His way. There is no room for “self” in this kind of passionate abandon to Jesus.
Andrew Murray, in his book “The Kingdom of God is Within You,” puts it this way, “I do not ask. Are you believers? Are you sure that your sins are pardoned? Are you seeking to live a Christian life? But have you given your heart to Christ to possess, to rule, to renew, to dwelling all alone, to fill with the will of God? Have you given it away, out of your power into His? Your self-confidence, your self-contentment, your self-pleasing, your self-will, has it all been laid at Christ’s feet? So that He can cast it out, and fill the heart with Himself. If not, let nothing keep you back from giving what belongs to God, and what Christ came to win back for Him. Your heart was made for God.”
King David understood it. Even though he didn’t walk perfectly, he did not always do right, God called him a man after His own heart. David writes in Psalm 84:1 (NIV), “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” That is passion for Christ.
Do you have that passion?
Have you completely surrendered your heart?
Won’t you give Him all of your love? Allow Him to work in you and through you, as he did in David.
Book Review for “Finding Sage”-Dystopian Fiction
I just loved this book! Great dystopian. Loved the characters, the twists and turns, and the whole outcast of society theme. I am so looking forward to the next in the series. I did get a little confused at the end, and had to slow down and read it again, but it will all come out clearer I am sure in the next book. Good writing and a Goodread! I give it 5 stars. Clean enough for ages 13 and up, it may be hard for some to follow along. No sex and no swearing. I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review |