The Creator of the Universe

God made it all, including you! Every speck, every square inch of matter. He spoke it all into existence. Why did He create it? For you! For me. He made everything that was made for a purpose and that purpose was love. I don’t pretend to know why He made some things (there are some nasty, creepy critters out there). And I do know that since the fall things have gone considerable downhill. I was pondering on all of this the other day and the enemy quoted scripture to me, “He said He made it all for His pleasure.” Same old lie from the Garden. Just as quickly the Holy Spirit replied, “True! It always pleases the Father to bless those He loves!” He finds pleasure in giving us everything. He gave us His Son. He gave us His Kingdom. What more could we ever want or need? What more could the world, or Satan ever do for us? They would both shed OUR blood, but never pour out their own! So look past the twisted, fallen state of things the way they are now under Satan’s rule, see the original beauty of creation. You can still see glimpses in the Rocky Mountains, the pictures sent back from Hubble, a baby’s smile, a flower, it’s there. Next time you see a sunset, a rainbow, pure white snow-covered landscape, thank Him for making it all for you.
How can we honor God and His gift? Walk in the authority and dominion that He gave us. Sure Adam sold out to the enemy, but Jesus paid a great price to purchase it, legally, back again! Then He left it to us as our inheritance when He died. He didn’t stop there; He rose again, and sent us His Spirit to give us the strength and to lead us on this path of victory. Don’t let Satan steel back what God has purchased! Take what God has given, with a thankful heart! It’s yours

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