Book Review for “Ice Country”-YA Fantasy

David Estes continues with the epic story of The Country Saga. I was given a copy of book one to review and loved it so much that I purchased “Ice Country”. The writing style is simple and he obviously understands the mind of youth. A great book for teens and up. I can recommend for Jr. High age and older. A story of friendship, hardship and courage. Starting book three right away! I give this book a solid 5 stars.

Prayer To My Father


Dear Father (Father of my heart, love, life, peace, salvation, hope, dreams, provision, health, and family),
I love God! My heart is full of love for you. I am thankful and grateful that you adopted me! You’ve cleansed me from all my unrighteous acts, delivered me from every curse and every yoke of bondage, those of my own making and those that came with my family ties. You have set me free from the law. You have made me an heir and a joint heir with Christ. I am seated with Him in heavenly places, because of my acceptance in the beloved. Because you are a loving Father, Faithful and Trustworthy, because Your Word is true, You watch over it to perform it in my life. you have sent your angels, your ministering spirits, to minister according to your perfect will, the plans and the purposes, you have for my life. You have placed a hedge of protection around me, your angels guard round about me, day and night. Because I am your child, no weapon formed against me will prosper, and every tongue raised against me, to accuse me or curse me, is already condemned! Even what the devil has planned and prepared for my harm you, in your grace and mercy, have turned it around for my good. Who is like you, Oh God? There is none other. Only you have creative power. Only you can save. Only you can change our hearts and minds and conform us into the image of Christ. You alone are worthy of all praise, honor and glory… and you are my Father. You call me your child. Let my life glorify you.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Book Review for “Breaking Free”- Christian Woman’s Non-fiction

This was a wonderful Woman’s Bible Study! I think everywoman should read it. Beth Moore gives insight into some of the common problems that women have gone through from infancy and how to break free from your past. I give the book 5 stars. The writing is simple, yet in depth. This book will change the way you think. Great for individual study or for a group study. I highly recommend this book. Appropriate for high school age and up.

Screen Your Thoughts

Let’s pretend that it is spring. We have been cooped up in the house all winter and there is a fresh spring breeze blowing outside. The first thing we want to do is open all the windows wide and blow out all the stagnant air in our homes. Unfortunately, there are these little (or if you live in Wisconsin-BIG) pesky things called mosquitoes. Thank God for the invention of a simple thing called a screen! They allow the fresh breeze to come in and keep those irritating blood suckers out. The screen has little holes that are too small for those bug and creepy things to come in through.

God’s word is like a screen. But like most Godly things, it works the opposite of our window screens. The screen of God keeps the good stuff in and allows the bad stuff to fall through. Picture this in your mind for minute. This screen isn’t vertical, but it is horizontal. Now picture a shovel full of rich dirt, with some clean flowing water. This screen will catch all the precious stones and allow the silt and dust to flow on through.

We all have some thoughts that are just plain “puny”. God’s thoughts are so much bigger than ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Here are a few examples:
“I can’t afford to tithe.”
“It’s flu (or cold) season.”
“If I just had enough to pay my house payment.”
“I hope I have a good day.”
Can you say PUNY? Those would all fall through!

Now let’s allow the screen of God’s word to do it’s work and see what is left behind.
“God said to “try” Him in paying my tithe and promised to open the windows of heaven and poor out blessings. (Malachi 3:10) So I can’t afford not to tithe!
“Flu doesn’t have a season in my body, because Jesus took my infirmities, and by His stripes I have already been healed.” (Matthew 8:16-17)
“I not only have enough for all of my bills, but I am debt free and owe no man anything but to love him. I have enough to give into every good work.” (II Cor. 9:8)
And instead of just a good day, why not a God directed and planned day. “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. The plans you have for me this day is to prosper me, not to harm me.” (Jer. 29:11)

Can you see a pattern? Allow all those “puny” thoughts, those no expectations, too little for God’s children, stinkin’ thinkin’, UNGODLY thoughts to flow through. Don’t hang on to them. If they don’t line up with God’s word and His 8,000 promises, they need to be flushed away-literally! Allow the big dreams, great hope, huge expectations to remain. Keep them as precious stones! Look at them, think about them, show them off! Nothing, absolutely nothing, is too difficult for Him! Or for His children. Matthew 19:26 says, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” He makes a way where there is no way. All His promises are Yes and Amen! To God’s glory through us. We have to hang onto, declare and receive those promises to give God the glory. The world will see how He takes care of us, and they will see His banner of Love over us, clearly defining our leader and our general. When things get hairy, which side will they flock to? The ones with the puny thinking, who’s banner over them is depression, sickness and poverty? Or the one who’s banner is LOVE! Those ones who possess peace and portray life? Who can share their abundance and stand in faith? The family of God who have a great Hope, for the One who has promised is able to do what He promises.

Don’t have a screen? Ask God to be your Lord and Savior. Give up, surrender your heart to Him. He’ll take such better care of it then you ever will. Is your screen ripped and torn, wore out? Get into His word, do some repair. Look up some of those promises. Write them on note cards and memorize them. Ask God how much He loves you then listen for His answer. David said he his God’s word in his heart to keep him from sin. Ask God to engraft His word into your heart. When you engraft one branch of a tree into another type, that engrafted tree becomes part of the host. Let God’s word not just hide in your heart, let it become part of you! You ask, and apply yourself, He’ll do it! He is faithful.