A Prayer of Love


Dear Heavenly Father,
I love you. Help me to accept more of your love. I thank you that, through your Holy Spirit, you have poured out your love, bountifully in my heart. I thank you that you loved me while I was yet a sinner. Help me to love others while they are still in their messes. To show them your unconditional, unfailing love. I pray that by my example, they can taste and see that you are good, that you love them. Thank you for my family. For those you have given me to love. May I be slow to anger and quick to forgive. May our relationships grow on the foundation of your love. Thank you for right relationships, Godly relationships. Bind us together, my natural and my spiritual families, with bonds of peace an love. That with one accord we can lift our praises to you. Help us to put our trust fully in you, Lord, because you love us, and that makes you trust worthy. I pray that by our love for one another, the world will see that we are your children-for you are LOVE.
In the name of your beloved Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen-so be it.

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