Book Review for “Waiting on God/Working for God”- Christian Non-Fiction


You can never go wrong with Andrew Murray. This one did not disappoint. The good news is that you can get it free from the Gutenberg Project online. We have all been called to good works, and each one of us, from the feeblest Christian to the great men and women of faith, all must work the work God gave us to do. The good news is that it is never in our own strength, unless we choose it that way. “Waiting on God/Working for God” is a great reminder of what our purpose here on earth is, and who has graced us for this work. I highly recommend to every Christian. The language is not modern and may be harder to wade through, but Mr. Murray’s writing style is simple and right to the point. I give it 5+ stars, I loved it! This is a read again book