Today’s Prayer of Thanksgiving


Lord, I love you. I thank you for loving me first. For seeing something in me that I couldn’t see. For creating me as the pearl of great price. Thank you for buying me back from your enemy and my enemy, from the one who hurt me, and used me cruelly. You brought me to Your Kingdom and clothed me, fed me and bound up my wounds. By your love you healed my heart and by your word you healed my mind. You placed mighty warrior angels around me for my protection and ministering spirits to help and sustain me. You gave me your Spirit as a constant companion to lead and guide me, and ever present help in times of confusion and trouble. You have taken away my nightmares and given me sweet sleep. My heart is at peace and my spirit is at rest. You have accepted me into the family of your loved ones. Given me a seat of honor at your banqueting table, in the presence of our enemies. Proving my worth and your love for me. I lake nothing that I need. You hold nothing back from me. There is not an enemies weapon that can touch me, no harm no illness, no evil thing. You have shut the mouths of the lions and you walk with me through the fire- not allowing it to burn, or even touch me. You raise your banner of love over me as a sign that I belong to you. You have given me a new name. Your name. I am yours and you are mine. Lord, I love you.

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